Merkaba Press kiadó termékei - 9. oldal

Jr. Horatio Alger: Making His Mark e-Könyv

Making His Mark

Merkaba Press, 2017

Cheated of his inheritance by his scheming stepmother, young Gerald Lane goes to work for a lawyer who sends him on a perilous mission to...

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255 Ft

James Froude: The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon e-Könyv

The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon

Merkaba Press, 2017

The mythic element cannot be eliminated out of history. Men who play leading parts on the world’s stage gather about them the admiration ...

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255 Ft

Margaret Pumphrey: Stories of the Pilgrims e-Könyv

Stories of the Pilgrims

Merkaba Press, 2017

In the little village of Scrooby in England, three hundred years ago, stood a beautiful old house. It was the largest one in the village,...

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255 Ft

Mary MacGregor: Stories of King Arthur e-Könyv

Stories of King Arthur

Merkaba Press, 2017

Queen Guinevere lay idly in bed dreaming beautiful dreams. The sunny morning hours were slipping away, but she was so happy in dreamland,...

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255 Ft

Bret Harte: Tales of the Argonauts e-Könyv

Tales of the Argonauts

Merkaba Press, 2017

The Argonauts are the gold seekers of 1849 and the years immediately following. These adventurers came from all quarters of the globe and...

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255 Ft

Anthony Trollope: Tales of All Countries e-Könyv

Tales of All Countries

Merkaba Press, 2017

The Pyreneean valley in which the baths of Vernet are situated is not much known to English, or indeed to any travellers. Tourists in sea...

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255 Ft

Leslie Stephen: The English Utilitarians Volume II e-Könyv

The English Utilitarians Volume II

Merkaba Press, 2017

Bentham's mantle fell upon James Mill. Mill expounded in the tersest form the doctrines which in Bentham's hands spread into endless rami...

Online ár:

255 Ft

J.B. Bury: The Idea of Progress e-Könyv

The Idea of Progress

Merkaba Press, 2017

When we say that ideas rule the world, or exercise a decisive power in history, we are generally thinking of those ideas which express hu...

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255 Ft

John Hibben: The Enlightenment e-Könyv

The Enlightenment

Merkaba Press, 2017

THE age of the Enlightenment has a peculiar interest and value for the student of the history of philosophy. The philosophical output of ...

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255 Ft

Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Outlaw of Torn e-Könyv

The Outlaw of Torn

Merkaba Press, 2017

The story is set in 13th century England and concerns the fictional outlaw Norman of Torn, who purportedly harried the country during the...

Online ár:

255 Ft

Charles Horne: The Ottoman Empire e-Könyv

The Ottoman Empire

Merkaba Press, 2017

            Constantinople, the Turkish capital, the mysterious, ancient, ever-flourishing city, sacred alike to Christian and Mahometan,...

Online ár:

255 Ft

William Barry: The Papal Monarchy e-Könyv

The Papal Monarchy

Merkaba Press, 2017

  IN the night of the 24th of August, 410, Alaric, King of the Western Goths, entered Rome with his army, by the Salarian Gate -- ou...

Online ár:

255 Ft

Sax Rohmer: Bat Wing e-Könyv

Bat Wing

Merkaba Press, 2017

Paul Harvey PI and British Empire political consultant, chats in his office with pal Knox. Colonel Juan Menendez shows them a bat wing so...

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258 Ft

Margaret Oliphant: Collected Stories e-Könyv

Collected Stories

Merkaba Press, 2017

I WAS not aware at first of the many discussions which had gone on about that window. It was almost opposite one of the windows of the la...

Online ár:

258 Ft

Ernest Bax: The Peasants War e-Könyv

The Peasants War

Merkaba Press, 2017

                        The time was out of joint in a very literal sense of that somewhat hackneyed phrase. Every established institutio...

Online ár:

255 Ft

J.S. Fletcher: The Paradise Mystery e-Könyv

The Paradise Mystery

Merkaba Press, 2017

A quaint and idyllic English community is rocked to its very core when a dead body is found and foul play is suspected. But with few clue...

Online ár:

255 Ft

Robert E. Howard: The People of the Black Circle e-Könyv

The People of the Black Circle

Merkaba Press, 2017

The death of Bunda Chand, King of Vendhya, via a curse channeled to his soul through a lock of his hair leads to the ascension of his sis...

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255 Ft

Tom Gallon: Dead Man's Love e-Könyv

Dead Man's Love

Merkaba Press, 2017

I came out by way of the roof. And the time was four in the morning; I heard the big clock over the entrance gates chime in a dull, heavy...

Online ár:

258 Ft

E.W. Hornung: Dead Men Tell No Tales e-Könyv

Dead Men Tell No Tales

Merkaba Press, 2017

Meeting failure in his search for wealth in the 1851 Australian gold rush, a dispirited Mr. Cole takes the next available ship back to En...

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258 Ft

Anne Brontë: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall e-Könyv

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

Merkaba Press, 2017

A mysterious young widow arrives at Wildfell Hall, an Elizabethan mansion which has been empty for many years, with her young son and ser...

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255 Ft

Adolphus Ward: Dickens e-Könyv


Merkaba Press, 2017

Charles Dickens, the eldest son, and the second of the eight children, of John and Elizabeth Dickens, was born at Landport, a suburb of P...

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258 Ft

H. Rider Haggard: The People of the Mist e-Könyv

The People of the Mist

Merkaba Press, 2017

The People of the Mist is the tale of a British adventurer seeking wealth in the wilds of Africa, finding romance, and discovering a lost...

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255 Ft

Frank Packard: Doors of the Night e-Könyv

Doors of the Night

Merkaba Press, 2017

Things don't look good for Billy Kane when his millionaire employer David Ellsworth is found murdered and robbed. All evidences suggest t...

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258 Ft

Frederic Harrison: William the Silent e-Könyv

William the Silent

Merkaba Press, 2017

"WHEN we study the foundation of the United Provinces," says a great French writer, "we learn how a State, from an origin ...

Online ár:

255 Ft

Edward Freeman: William the Conqueror e-Könyv

William the Conqueror

Merkaba Press, 2017

The history of England, like the land and its people, has been specially insular, and yet no land has undergone deeper influences from wi...

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255 Ft

H.D. Traill: William the Third e-Könyv

William the Third

Merkaba Press, 2017

William Henry, Prince of Orange and Count of Nassau, a ruler destined to play a greater part in shaping the destinies of modern England t...

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255 Ft

Edward Bellamy: Dr. Heidenhoff's Process e-Könyv

Dr. Heidenhoff's Process

Merkaba Press, 2017

The novel concerns a doctor who develops a mechanical method of eradicating painful memories from people's brains so that they can feel g...

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258 Ft

Ierne Plunket: Europe in the Middle Ages e-Könyv

Europe in the Middle Ages

Merkaba Press, 2017

‘Ave, Roma Immortalis!’, ‘Hail, Immortal Rome!’ This cry, breaking from the lips of a race that had carried the imperial eagles from the ...

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258 Ft

Paul Watson: Gustav Vasa e-Könyv

Gustav Vasa

Merkaba Press, 2017

            THE manor of Lindholm lies in the centre of a smiling district about twenty miles north of the capital of Sweden. Placed on a...

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258 Ft

Albert Pollard: Henry VIII e-Könyv

Henry VIII

Merkaba Press, 2017

                            In the whole range of English history there is no monarch whose character has been more variously depicted by...

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258 Ft

Eleanor Abbott: Little Eve Edgarton e-Könyv

Little Eve Edgarton

Merkaba Press, 2017

"But you live like such a fool—of course you're bored!" drawled the Older Man, rummaging listlessly through his pockets for the...

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258 Ft

Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Mad King e-Könyv

The Mad King

Merkaba Press, 2017

The Mad King is a Ruritanian romance by "Tarzan" creator Edgar Rice Burroughs, originally published in two parts as "The M...

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258 Ft

Olaf Stapledon: Last Men in London e-Könyv

Last Men in London

Merkaba Press, 2017

Last Men in London is a science fiction novel by Olaf Stapledon. The narrator is the same member of the eighteenth and final human specie...

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254 Ft

Edgar Rice Burroughs: Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar e-Könyv

Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar

Merkaba Press, 2017

Tarzan returns to Opar, the source of the gold where a lost colony of fabled Atlantis is located, in order to make good on some financial...

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254 Ft

Mary Rinehart: The Circular Staircase e-Könyv

The Circular Staircase

Merkaba Press, 2017

The Circular Staircase is a 1908 mystery novel by American writer Mary Roberts Rinehart. The story follows dowager Rachel Innes as she th...

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254 Ft

Burton Egbert Stevenson: That Affair at Elizabeth e-Könyv

That Affair at Elizabeth

Merkaba Press, 2017

A detective novel set in turn-of-the-century New York City, in which a young lawyer plays the sleuth.

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254 Ft

John Ormsby, Miguel de Cervantes: Don Quixote e-Könyv

Don Quixote

Merkaba Press, 2017

Published in two volumes, in 1605 and 1615, Don Quixote is considered the most influential work of literature from the Spanish Golden Age...

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267 Ft

Kahlil Gibran: The Forerunner - His Parables and Poems e-Könyv

The Forerunner - His Parables and Poems

Merkaba Press, 2017

You are your own forerunner, and the towers you have builded are but the foundation of your giant-self. And that self too shall be a foun...

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290 Ft

Robert Louis Stevenson: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde e-Könyv

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Merkaba Press, 2017

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a gothic novella by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson first published in 1886. The work...

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266 Ft

Hilaire Belloc: Europe and the Faith e-Könyv

Europe and the Faith

Merkaba Press, 2017

Belloc answers the question: What made Europe? He shows it was not the barbarians nor the Protestant Reformation, but the Catholic Faith ...

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258 Ft

Samuel Drake: The Battle of Gettysburg e-Könyv

The Battle of Gettysburg

Merkaba Press, 2017

Stripped of the glamour which has made its every stick and stone an object of eager curiosity or pious veneration, Gettysburg becomes a v...

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266 Ft

Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol e-Könyv

A Christmas Carol

Merkaba Press, 2017

A Christmas Carol in Prose, Being a Ghost-Story of Christmas, commonly known as A Christmas Carol, is a novella by Charles Dickens, first...

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260 Ft

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Nature e-Könyv


Merkaba Press, 2017

"Nature" is an essay written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, and published by James Munroe and Company in 1836. In this essay Emerson p...

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257 Ft

Jack London: The People of the Abyss e-Könyv

The People of the Abyss

Merkaba Press, 2017

The People of the Abyss is a book by Jack London about life in the East End of London in 1902. He wrote this first-hand account after liv...

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255 Ft

John Stevens: Gustavus Adolphus e-Könyv

Gustavus Adolphus

Merkaba Press, 2017

Among the persons whose genius, heroism and force of character influenced events, and won commanding game, in the seventeenth century, Gu...

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260 Ft

Lew Wallace: Ben-Hur e-Könyv


Merkaba Press, 2017

Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ is a novel by Lew Wallace published by Harper & Brothers on November 12, 1880, and considered "the...

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260 Ft

Various: The King James Bible e-Könyv

The King James Bible

Merkaba Press, 2017

The King James Version (KJV), also known as the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV), is an English translation o...

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258 Ft

Friedrich Nietzsche, Helen Zimmern: Beyond Good and Evil e-Könyv

Beyond Good and Evil

Merkaba Press, 2017

Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future is a book by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche that expands the ideas of his pr...

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267 Ft

Robert W. Chambers: The Slayer of Souls e-Könyv

The Slayer of Souls

Merkaba Press, 2017

An American-born girl, Tressa Norne, has been held in bondage in the Temple of Erlik, an Oriental devil-god of Central Asia.

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260 Ft

Charles Cotton, Michel Montaigne: Essays of Montaigne e-Könyv

Essays of Montaigne

Merkaba Press, 2017

The most usual way of appeasing the indignation of such as we have any way offended, when we see them in possession of the power of reven...

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260 Ft

John Abbott: Joseph Bonaparte e-Könyv

Joseph Bonaparte

Merkaba Press, 2017

The island of Corsica, in the Mediterranean Sea, sixty miles from the coast of Tuscany, is about half as large as the State of Massachuse...

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260 Ft


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