Merkaba Press kiadó termékei

Joseph Michaud: The History of the Crusades e-Könyv

The History of the Crusades

Merkaba Press, 2017

THE HISTORY of the middle ages presents no spectacle more imposing than the Crusades, in which are to be seen the nations of Asia and of ...

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808 Ft

Thomas Hodgkin: The Life of Charles the Great e-Könyv

The Life of Charles the Great

Merkaba Press, 2017

In the gradual transformation of the old world of classical antiquity into the world with which the statesmen of today must deal, no man ...

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799 Ft

Charles Oman: Seven Roman Statesmen e-Könyv

Seven Roman Statesmen

Merkaba Press, 2017

THERE WAS A TIME, NOT so very long ago, when the taunt was true that history was written as if it were a mere string of anecdotal biograp...

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537 Ft

C.A. Fyffe: Europe in the 19th Century e-Könyv

Europe in the 19th Century

Merkaba Press, 2017

On the morning of the 19th of April, 1792, after weeks of stormy agitation in Paris, the Ministers of Louis XVI. brought down a letter fr...

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537 Ft

Arthur Johnson: Europe in the 16th Century e-Könyv

Europe in the 16th Century

Merkaba Press, 2017

The division of history into periods may be very misleading if its true purport be not understood. One age can no more be isolated from t...

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537 Ft

George Eliot: Silas Marner e-Könyv

Silas Marner

Merkaba Press, 2017

An outwardly simple tale of a linen weaver, it is notable for its strong realism and its sophisticated treatment of a variety of issues r...

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537 Ft

Hilda Skae: Stories from English History e-Könyv

Stories from English History

Merkaba Press, 2017

There was a time, many years ago, when this England of ours was a savage country. The oldest stories that we read about our island happen...

Online ár:

537 Ft

George Finlay: The Later Byzantine Empire e-Könyv

The Later Byzantine Empire

Merkaba Press, 2017

THE institutions of Imperial Rome had long thwarted the great law of man's existence which impels him to better his condition, when the a...

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537 Ft

James Robinson: History of Western Europe e-Könyv

History of Western Europe

Merkaba Press, 2017

By far one of the greatest history books ever written, James Robinson’s classic of Western European history is an absolute must-read for ...

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535 Ft

Thomas Paine: The Age of Reason e-Könyv

The Age of Reason

Merkaba Press, 2017

The Age of Reason represents the results of years of study and reflection by Thomas Paine on the place of religion in society. Paine wrot...

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290 Ft

Thomas Dyer: The Age of Bismarck e-Könyv

The Age of Bismarck

Merkaba Press, 2017

THE period which elapsed between the close of the Crimean war and the establishment of the German Empire at the beginning of 1871, may be...

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290 Ft

George James: The Age of Charlemagne e-Könyv

The Age of Charlemagne

Merkaba Press, 2017

One of the noblest possessions of the Roman Empire was the province of ancient Gaul. Much blood and treasure had been expended in its con...

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290 Ft

Edith Wharton: The Age of Innocence e-Könyv

The Age of Innocence

Merkaba Press, 2017

Winner of the 1921 Pulitzer Prize, The Age of Innocence is Edith Wharton’s masterful portrait of desire and betrayal during the sumptuous...

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290 Ft

Robert W. Chambers: The Mystery of Choice e-Könyv

The Mystery of Choice

Merkaba Press, 2017

These classic tales, centering on an American in Breton and a local French girl include stories about the murder of a butterfly collector...

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290 Ft

Arthur Conan Doyle: The Mystery of Cloomber e-Könyv

The Mystery of Cloomber

Merkaba Press, 2017

Master of detective fiction, Arthur Conan Doyle here reveals his deep fascination with spiritualism and the paranormal. To his fellow res...

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290 Ft

Arnold Bennett: The Grand Babylon Hotel e-Könyv

The Grand Babylon Hotel

Merkaba Press, 2017

The Grand Babylon Hotel is an exclusive London establishment, and American millionaire Theodore Racksole, visiting the hotel with his spi...

Online ár:

290 Ft

R. Austin Freeman: The Mystery of Angelina Frood e-Könyv

The Mystery of Angelina Frood

Merkaba Press, 2017

A beautiful young woman is in shock. She calls John Strangeways, a medical lawyer who must piece together the strange disparate facts of ...

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290 Ft

William Holmes: The Age of Justinian e-Könyv

The Age of Justinian

Merkaba Press, 2017

THE birth and death of worlds are ephemeral events in a cycle of astronomical time. In the life history of a stellar system, of a planet,...

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290 Ft

Thomas Dyer: The Age of Napoleon e-Könyv

The Age of Napoleon

Merkaba Press, 2017

THE celebrated phrase of Louis XIV, “I am the State”, proclaimed the consummation of despotism. He asserted, and it was true, that the pe...

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290 Ft

Kahlil Gibran: The Forerunner - His Parables and Poems e-Könyv

The Forerunner - His Parables and Poems

Merkaba Press, 2017

You are your own forerunner, and the towers you have builded are but the foundation of your giant-self. And that self too shall be a foun...

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290 Ft

John Abbott: Napoleon Bonaparte e-Könyv

Napoleon Bonaparte

Merkaba Press, 2017

Napoleon, finding his proffers of peace rejected by England with contumely and scorn, and declined by Austria, now prepared, with his won...

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268 Ft

Ambrose Bierce: A Cynic Looks at Life e-Könyv

A Cynic Looks at Life

Merkaba Press, 2017

The sardonic view of human nature that informed his work – along with his vehemence as a critic, with his motto "nothing matters&quo...

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268 Ft

Henry James: A London Life and Other Tales e-Könyv

A London Life and Other Tales

Merkaba Press, 2017

A London Life is one of James’s longest tales, in fact it falls into the category which he labelled the nouvelle. It seems that in writin...

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268 Ft

George Eliot: Brother Jacob e-Könyv

Brother Jacob

Merkaba Press, 2017

Among the many fatalities attending the bloom of young desire, that of blindly taking to the confectionery line has not, perhaps, been su...

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268 Ft

Henry James: An International Episode e-Könyv

An International Episode

Merkaba Press, 2017

Short story about a love affair, by the prolific American-born author and literary critic of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He s...

Online ár:

268 Ft

Henry James: Confidence e-Könyv


Merkaba Press, 2017

While sketching in Siena, Bernard Longueville meets Angela Vivian and her mother. Later, Bernard's friend and self-proclaimed "mad&q...

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268 Ft

Robert W. Chambers: Lorraine e-Könyv


Merkaba Press, 2017

When Yesterday shall dawn again, And the long line athwart the hill Shall quicken with the bugle's thrill, Thine own shall come to thee, ...

Online ár:

268 Ft

John Abbott: Madame Roland e-Könyv

Madame Roland

Merkaba Press, 2017

Many characters of unusual grandeur were developed by the French Revolution. Among them all, there are few more illustrious, or more wort...

Online ár:

268 Ft

John Abbott: Maria Antoinette e-Könyv

Maria Antoinette

Merkaba Press, 2017

In the year 1740, Charles VI., emperor of Austria, died. He left a daughter twenty-three years of age, Maria Theresa, to inherit the crow...

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268 Ft

Ambrose Bierce: The Monk and the Hangman's Daughter e-Könyv

The Monk and the Hangman's Daughter

Merkaba Press, 2017

On arriving at a rural monastery, the monk Ambrosius meets a young girl, Benedicta. She is shunned by the local community for being the d...

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268 Ft

Ambrose Bierce: The Shadow on the Dial and Other Essays e-Könyv

The Shadow on the Dial and Other Essays

Merkaba Press, 2017

In this collection of essays, published in 1909, Bierce offers his incisive and sardonic commentary on many social issues of the day. He ...

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268 Ft

Voltaire: Candide e-Könyv


Merkaba Press, 2017

Candide, ou l'Optimisme is a French satire first published in 1759 by Voltaire, a philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment.

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267 Ft

David Hume: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding e-Könyv

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

Merkaba Press, 2017

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding is a book by the Scottish empiricist philosopher David Hume, published in English in 1748. It w...

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267 Ft

Charles Oman: The Art of War in the Middle Ages e-Könyv

The Art of War in the Middle Ages

Merkaba Press, 2017

BETWEEN the middle of the third and the middle of the fifth century lies a period of transition in military history, an epoch of transfor...

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267 Ft

Charles Oman: The Great Revolt of 1381 e-Könyv

The Great Revolt of 1381

Merkaba Press, 2017

Few of the really important episodes of English history are so short, sudden, and dramatic as the great insurrection of June 1381, which ...

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267 Ft

Anthony Trollope: Can You Forgive Her e-Könyv

Can You Forgive Her

Merkaba Press, 2017

Can You Forgive Her? is a novel by Anthony Trollope, first published in serial form in 1864 and 1865. It is the first of six novels in th...

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267 Ft

Bayard Taylor: History of Germany e-Könyv

History of Germany

Merkaba Press, 2017

The Germans form one of the most important branches of the Indo-Germanic or Aryan race—a division of the human family which also includes...

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267 Ft

Arthur Conan Doyle: A Study in Scarlet e-Könyv

A Study in Scarlet

Merkaba Press, 2017

A Study in Scarlet is an 1887 detective novel by British author Arthur Conan Doyle. Written in 1886, the story marks the first appearance...

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267 Ft

Charles Chapman: A History of Spain e-Könyv

A History of Spain

Merkaba Press, 2017

THE Iberian Peninsula has not always had the same form which it now has, or the same plants, animals, or climate which are found there to...

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267 Ft

Charles Oman: A History of the Peninsular War Volume I e-Könyv

A History of the Peninsular War Volume I

Merkaba Press, 2017

‘I am not the heir of Louis XIV, I am the heir of Charlemagne,’ wrote Napoleon, in one of those moments of epigrammatic self-revelation w...

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267 Ft

Charles Conant: Alexander Hamilton e-Könyv

Alexander Hamilton

Merkaba Press, 2017

The life of Alexander Hamilton is an essential chapter in the story of the formation of the American Union. Hamilton's work was of that c...

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267 Ft

Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities e-Könyv

A Tale of Two Cities

Merkaba Press, 2017

 The novel tells the story of the French Doctor Manette, his 18-year-long imprisonment in the Bastille in Paris and his release to life i...

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267 Ft

David Hume: An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals e-Könyv

An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals

Merkaba Press, 2017

DISPUTES with men, pertinaciously obstinate in their principles, are, of all others, the most irksome; except, perhaps, those with person...

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267 Ft

Frederick Ober: Amerigo Vespucci e-Könyv

Amerigo Vespucci

Merkaba Press, 2017

Cradled in the valley of the Arno, its noble architecture fitly supplementing its numerous natural charms, lies the Tuscan city of Floren...

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267 Ft

Clarence Darrow: An Eye for an Eye e-Könyv

An Eye for an Eye

Merkaba Press, 2017

The story of Jim Jackson who struggles with poverty and harsh circumstances before murdering his wife in a fit of rage.

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267 Ft

James Joyce: Dubliners e-Könyv


Merkaba Press, 2017

Dubliners is a collection of fifteen short stories by James Joyce, first published in 1914. They form a naturalistic depiction of Irish m...

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267 Ft

Edith Wharton: Ethan Frome e-Könyv

Ethan Frome

Merkaba Press, 2017

The novel is framed by the literary device of an extended flashback. The prologue opens with an unnamed male narrator spending a winter i...

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267 Ft

Louise Creighton: Edward III e-Könyv

Edward III

Merkaba Press, 2017

On the 15th June, in the year 1330, there were great rejoicings in the Royal Palace of Woodstock. One Thomas Prior came hastening to the ...

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267 Ft

Robert Seeley: Edward I e-Könyv

Edward I

Merkaba Press, 2017

On the night of June 17–18, 1239, Queen Eleanor, the consort of Henry III., presented her husband with a son, who was born in the Palace ...

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267 Ft

Ambrose Bierce: Fantastic Fables e-Könyv

Fantastic Fables

Merkaba Press, 2017

Bierce is the anti-Aesop and his fables take on politicians, businessmen, and religioius leaders.

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267 Ft

Lena Dalkeith: Stories from French History e-Könyv

Stories from French History

Merkaba Press, 2017

Once upon a time (and all this that you are about to read is true) there was a large wild country in Europe called the country of Gaul. I...

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267 Ft

A.H.J. Greenridge: Rome During the Later Republic e-Könyv

Rome During the Later Republic

Merkaba Press, 2017

The period of Roman history on which we now enter is, like so many that had preceded it, a period of revolt, directly aimed against the e...

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267 Ft

Florence Aston: Stories from German History e-Könyv

Stories from German History

Merkaba Press, 2017

The name of Julius Caesar, warrior and conqueror, has been renowned through the ages, and its fame has suffered no eclipse to this day. I...

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267 Ft

Agnes Strickland: Stories from History e-Könyv

Stories from History

Merkaba Press, 2017

The early history of England, or Britain, as it was anciently called, is involved in great obscurity. The reason of this is, that its fir...

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267 Ft

Lena Dalkeith: Stories from Roman History e-Könyv

Stories from Roman History

Merkaba Press, 2017

Long and long ago, it is said, Nimitur, King of Alba, was robbed of his crown, and thrust from his kingdom by his younger brother, Amuliu...

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267 Ft

G.A. Henty: Tales of Daring and Danger e-Könyv

Tales of Daring and Danger

Merkaba Press, 2017

This volume of short stories contains five of G.A. Henty's classic tales: "Bears snd Dacoits," "The Paternosters," &q...

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267 Ft

H. G. Wells: Tales of Space and Time e-Könyv

Tales of Space and Time

Merkaba Press, 2017

Tales of Space and Time is a fantasy and science fiction collection of three short stories and two novellas written by the English author...

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267 Ft

Arthur Conan Doyle: Tales of Terror and Mystery e-Könyv

Tales of Terror and Mystery

Merkaba Press, 2017

This is a volume of short stories from the master who is credited with creating the modern mystery and fantasy tale, in addition to his m...

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267 Ft

John Reed: Ten Days that Shook the World e-Könyv

Ten Days that Shook the World

Merkaba Press, 2017

Ten Days That Shook the World is a book by the American journalist and socialist John Reed about the October Revolution in Russia in 1917...

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267 Ft

James Johonot: Ten Great Events in History e-Könyv

Ten Great Events in History

Merkaba Press, 2017

Patriotism, or love of country, is one of the tests of nobility of character. No great man ever lived that was not a patriot in the highe...

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267 Ft


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