Tim művei - 16. oldal

Hannigan, Tim: The Granite Kingdom idegen
Hannigan, Tim

The Granite Kingdom - A Cornish Journey

Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 2023

A fascinating, lyrical account of an east-west walk across Britain's westernmost and most mysterious region. A distant and exotic Celtic ...

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15 232 Ft

Eredeti ár: 16 033 Ft

Toulson, Rob - Wilmshurst, Tim - Spink, Tom: Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design idegen
Toulson, Rob - Wilmshurst, Tim - Spink, Tom

Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design - From bits and bytes to IoT, with the Arm Mbed

Elsevier LTD, 2024

Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design, Third Edition is a fast-moving introduction to embedded systems design, applying the innovati...

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35 250 Ft

Eredeti ár: 37 105 Ft

Siadatan, Tim: Padella idegen
Siadatan, Tim

Padella - Next Level Pasta for Everybody

Bloomsbury USA, 2025

"Perfectly made and ideally cooked . . . probably the best pasta in London." -A.A. Gill From bold Italian chef Tim Siadatan, 100 recipes ...



Hannigan, Tim: A Geek in Indonesia idegen
Hannigan, Tim

A Geek in Indonesia - Discover the Land of Komodo Dragons, Balinese Healers and Dangdut Music

Tuttle Publishing, 2025

Award-winning writer and Indonesia expert Tim Hannigan gives Southeast Asia's biggest country its proper due. Written in an irreverent, y...



Blanning, Tim: Augustus The Strong idegen
Blanning, Tim

Augustus The Strong - A Study in Artistic Greatness and Political Fiasco

Penguin Books Ltd (UK), 2024

'It's been a superb year for history but Augustus the Strong ranks up there with the very very best! I cant recommend it strongly enough'...

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16 502 Ft

Eredeti ár: 17 370 Ft

Dedopulos, Tim: Field Guide to Secret Symbols idegen
Dedopulos, Tim

Field Guide to Secret Symbols - Where to find them and what they mean

Quarto Publishing PLC, 2025

The Field Guide to Secret Symbols is your gateway to uncovering the secret symbols that are all around us... This richly illustrated guid...



Seal, Rebecca - Wilson, Tim: Ginger Pig One Pot idegen
Seal, Rebecca - Wilson, Tim

Ginger Pig One Pot

Octopus Publishing Group, 2025

More than 100 delicious one pot recipes from acclaimed sustainable butcher Ginger Pig.



Gregory, Tim: Going Nuclear idegen
Gregory, Tim

Going Nuclear - How the Atom Will Save the World

Vintage Publishing, 2025

The first book of nuclear environmentalism - a groundbreaking exploration of how to harness nuclear power to build a sustainable and pros...



Seeley, Tim: Masters of the Universe/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles of Grayskull idegen
Seeley, Tim

Masters of the Universe/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles of Grayskull

Dark Horse Comics, 2025

"When the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles came across Krang and Shredder making a deal with some otherworldly 'demon mage' named Skeletor, t...



Bouverie, Tim: Allies at War idegen
Bouverie, Tim

Allies at War - How the Struggles Between the Allied Powers Shaped the War and the World

Crown Publishing Group (NY), 2025

"A fascinating look at the complex relationships between the Allied powers-far more fraught than we understood-- that defined the course ...



Lopez, Tim: Kickoff Kitchen idegen
Lopez, Tim

Kickoff Kitchen - 64 Game-Day Recipes Inspired by Every Pro Football Team

Epic Ink Books, 2025

Offering a variety of regional dishes for every pro team to level-up your next tailgate or Super Bowl party, Kickoff Kitchen is the cookb...



Major, Tim: Great Robots of History idegen
Major, Tim

Great Robots of History

Black Shuck Books, 2025

Long before the development of AI, humans created automatons in their own image. These sixteen weird tales explore magical and mechanical...



Jackson, Tim: The Care Economy idegen
Jackson, Tim

The Care Economy

John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2025

Care is the foundation of organic life. But its fate in the economy is precarious and uncertain. The labour of care is arduous and underp...



Weaver, Tim: The Missing Family idegen
Weaver, Tim

The Missing Family

Penguin Books Ltd (UK), 2025




Bouverie, Tim: Allies at War idegen
Bouverie, Tim

Allies at War - The Politics of Defeating Hitler

Vintage Publishing, 2025

A landmark history of the alliance that won the war and made the peace by the Sunday Times-bestselling author of Appeasing HitlerAfter th...



Smedley, Tim: Clearing the Air idegen
Smedley, Tim

Clearing the Air - Shortlisted for the Royal Society Science Book Prize

Bloomsbury USA, 2021

"Read this book and join the effort to terminate air pollution."--Arnold Schwarzenegger, 38th Governor of California The story of what's ...

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7 808 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 218 Ft

Prakash, Tim: Die Einführung eines Scheme of Arrangement in das deutsche Aktienrecht idegen
Prakash, Tim

Die Einführung eines Scheme of Arrangement in das deutsche Aktienrecht

Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2024

Im Rahmen der Diskussion um die Reform des deutschen Aktienrechts gewinnt der Begriff des Scheme of Arrangement zunehmend an Bedeutung. D...

Online ár:

41 648 Ft

Eredeti ár: 43 840 Ft

Pröse, Tim: Hallervorden idegen
Pröse, Tim

Hallervorden - Ein Komiker macht Ernst

Heyne, 2022

»Ich bin privat ein scheuer Mensch. Tim Pröse hat es geschafft, mich zu öffnen. Manche Dinge, nach denen er mich gefragt hat, überraschte...

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5 094 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 362 Ft

Tebow, Tim - Gregory, A. J. - Chapman, Jane: Bronco & Freunde: Jeder ist einzigartig idegen
Tebow, Tim - Gregory, A. J. - Chapman, Jane

Bronco & Freunde: Jeder ist einzigartig

Gerth Medien, 2022

Bronco ist zu einer Party eingeladen. Doch er kann sein Puzzleteil nicht finden, das jeder Gast vorab bekommen hat und zum Fest mitbringe...

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3 426 Ft

Eredeti ár: 3 606 Ft

Henning, Tim - Kompa, Nikola Anna - Nimtz, Christian: Die dunkle Seite der Sprache idegen
Henning, Tim - Kompa, Nikola Anna - Nimtz, Christian

Die dunkle Seite der Sprache - Wie Worte ausgrenzen, abwerten und manipulieren

Verlag C.H. Beck GmbH & Co. KG, 2025

Ausgrenzen, abwerten, manipulieren - Wie Bad Language funktioniert Unsere Sprache hat eine dunkle Seite: Sie stellt uns nicht nur die Mit...

Online ár:

11 837 Ft

Eredeti ár: 12 459 Ft

Spector, Tim: Ferment idegen
Spector, Tim

Ferment - The Life-Changing Power of Microbes

Random House UK Ltd, 2025

Tim Spector is on a mission to bring fermenting into our lives and kitchens. Drawing on the latest science and his own experiments, Ferme...



Blöcher, Tim: Registerrecht und Blockchain idegen
Blöcher, Tim

Registerrecht und Blockchain - Grundbuch, Handelsregister und neue Registerformen de lege lata et ferenda

Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG, 2025

Das deutsche Registerrecht ist umfassend und traditionsreich. Es bildet die Grundlage der rechtssicheren Verwaltung wesentlicher Informat...

Online ár:

35 360 Ft

Eredeti ár: 37 221 Ft

Jackson, Tim: Ökonomie der Fürsorge idegen
Jackson, Tim

Ökonomie der Fürsorge - Warum wir Wohlstand, Gesundheit und Arbeit neu denken müssen. Degrowth statt Wirtschaftswachstum, Wohlfahrtsstaat vor Profit, Care und soziale Gerechtigkeit statt Patriarchat

oekom - Gesellschaft für ökologische Kommunikation mbH, 2025

'Eine Pflichtlektüre für alle, denen die Zukunft am Herzen liegt. Ein Buch, das die Welt verändern könnte.' Dr. Michael Dixon, Vorsitzend...

Online ár:

11 871 Ft

Eredeti ár: 12 495 Ft

Frühling, Tim: Nichts kann ich mir am besten merken. idegen
Frühling, Tim

Nichts kann ich mir am besten merken.

FISCHER Taschenbuch, 2013

Komplett verzichtbar, unglaublich unnütz ¿ absolut unvergesslich! »Von meinem Kollegen Dingsbums kann ich mir seit drei Jahren den Vornam...

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5 087 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 354 Ft

Moore, Tim: Gironimo! idegen
Moore, Tim


Sprehe, Rainer, 2014

Zwölf Jahre, nachdem sich Tim Moore über die Originalstrecke der modernen Tour de France gequält hat, fasst er den Entschluss, sich einer...

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7 668 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 071 Ft