Rendell Ruth művei

Rendell Ruth: Harm Done idegen

Harm Done

The search for the body commenced. Then the victim walked into town. Behind the picture-postcard façade of Kingsmarkham lies a communi...



Rendell Ruth: 4 db Ruth Rendell books idegen

4 db Ruth Rendell books

Adam and Eve and Pinch Me An Unkindness of Ravens End In Tears Not in the Flesh



Rendell Ruth: End inTears idegen

End inTears

At first there was no reason to link the killings. The first one, months earlier, seemed totally random: a lump of concrete pushed off an...



Rendell Ruth: 5 db Rendell, Ruth könyv angolul:Harm done Road Rage Not In The Flesh Put On By Cunning Simisola idegen



Rendell Ruth: Live Flesh antikvár

Live Flesh

Könyvlabirintus Antikvárium

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Arrow Books, 1986

Victor Jenner is a sociopath. After ten years in prison for shooting - and permanently crippling - a young policeman, Victor is released ...

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3 600 Ft

Rendell Ruth: Put On By Cunning antikvár

Put On By Cunning

Vegyenkönyvet Antikvárium

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Arrow Books, 1994

The eleventh book to feature the classic crime-solving detective, Chief Inspector Wexford. Sir Manuel Camargue, Kingsmarkham's very ow...

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3 990 Ft

Rendell Ruth: Simisola antikvár


Pestszentlőrinci antikvárium

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Librotrade Kft., 2000

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1 190 Ft

Rendell Ruth: Thirteen Steps Down antikvár

Thirteen Steps Down

Arrow Books, 2004

A classic Rendellian loner, Mix Cellini is superstitious about the number 13. Living in a decaying house in Notting Hill, Mix is obsessed...


1 090 Ft - 1 790 Ft

Rendell, Ruth: The Babes in the Wood idegen
Rendell, Ruth

The Babes in the Wood

Penguin Random House LLC, 2004

With floods threatening both the town of Kingsmarkham and his own home and no end to the rain in sight, Chief Inspector Wexford already h...

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7 828 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 240 Ft

Rendell Ruth: End In Tears antikvár

End In Tears


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The award-winning author of Babes in the Woods and The Rottweiler brings us another gripping Inspector Wexford novel. A lump of concre...

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2 500 Ft

Rendell Ruth: Not In The Flesh idegen

Not In The Flesh

Hutchinson Ltd., 2007

After a truffle-hunting dog unearths a human hand instead of a precious fungus, Chief Inspector Wexford and his team proceed to interroga...

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4 790 Ft

Rendell Ruth: Not In The Flesh antikvár

Not In The Flesh

Oskola Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Arrow Books, 2007

After a truffle-hunting dog unearths a human hand instead of a precious fungus, Chief Inspector Wexford and his team proceed to interroga...

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1 390 Ft

Rendell Ruth: Portobello idegen


Hutchinson Ltd., 2008

The Portobello area of West London has a rich personality - vibrant, brilliant in colour, noisy, with graffiti that approach art, bizarre...

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4 190 Ft

Rendell, Ruth: A new Lease of Death idegen
Rendell, Ruth

A new Lease of Death - Lektüre

Hueber Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2012

Niveau B1 Intermediate Level 8. - 9. Klasse / 1.600 Wörter Chief Inspector Wexford und das Gericht sind sich sicher: Der Mord an einer al...

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5 699 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 998 Ft

Rendell, Ruth: Tigerlily's Orchids idegen
Rendell, Ruth

Tigerlily's Orchids

Scribner Book Company, 2012

INCLUDES AN EXCERPT OF RENDELL’S FINAL NOVEL, DARK CORNERS Diamond Dagger Award–winning Ruth Rendell has written a psychologically thrill...

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7 410 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 800 Ft

Rendell, Ruth: Alle bösen Geister idegen
Rendell, Ruth

Alle bösen Geister

Blanvalet, 2017

Hinter den schönsten Fassaden lauern die dunkelsten Abgründe ... Preston Still ist wohlhabend, erfolgreich, Familienvater - und er hat ei...

Online ár:

4 256 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 479 Ft

Rendell, Ruth: Die Tote im Pfarrhaus idegen
Rendell, Ruth

Die Tote im Pfarrhaus - Ein Inspector-Wexford-Roman

Blanvalet, 2019

Ein idyllischer Vorort in England, ein schrecklicher Mord und zu viele Verdächtige ... Eigentlich wollte Inspector Wexford seinen Ruhesta...

Online ár:

4 256 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 479 Ft

Rendell, Ruth: Der Fremde im Haus idegen
Rendell, Ruth

Der Fremde im Haus - Kriminalroman

Blanvalet, 2022

Er war der perfekte Untermieter. Doch dann zeigt er sein wahres Gesicht, und du kannst ihm nicht entkommen ... Zum ersten Mal in seinem L...

Online ár:

4 252 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 475 Ft

Rendell, Ruth: Die Toten ruhen nicht idegen
Rendell, Ruth

Die Toten ruhen nicht - Kriminalroman

Blanvalet, 2022

Ein heimliches Versteck aus Kindheitstagen, ein grauenerregender Fund und ein mörderisches Geheimnis, das viel zu lang verborgen war ... ...

Online ár:

4 681 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 927 Ft


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