Michael Coleman művei

Michael Coleman: Foul Football - England antikvár

Foul Football - England

Diófa Antikvárium Kft.

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Scholastic Press, 2006

Online ár:

3 890 Ft

Michael Coleman: Kiszámíthatatlan számítógépek antikvár

Kiszámíthatatlan számítógépek

Egmont Kiadó, 2002

Könyvünk egy interaktív komputerkalauz sok-sok adattal jópofa játékokról, rettenthetetlen robotokról, komputer kalózokról és végül (de ne...


940 Ft - 1 100 Ft

Michael Coleman: Crashing Computers antikvár

Crashing Computers

Alba Könyvépítő Kft.

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Scholastic Press, 1999

This interactive guide offers lots of data about computer games and computing robots, computer crooks and virtual reality. Find out how t...

Online ár:

940 Ft

Nick Arnold & Tony De Saulles, Michael Coleman, Mike Phillips: 6 db Horrible Science: Blood, Bones and Body Bits; Chemical Chaos; Crashing Computers; Nasty Nature; Painful Poison; Sounds Dreadful antikvár

Online ár:

8 990 Ft

Michael Coleman, Mike Phillips: Triumphant Teams (Foul Football) antikvár

Triumphant Teams (Foul Football)

Weöres Antikvárium

közepes állapotú antikvár könyv

Scholastic Press, 2001

You can KICK OFF with this hat trick:the team who had to let their fans buy their shirts for them, the player who fouled his opponent bef...

Online ár:

1 790 Ft

Michael Coleman, Kjartan Poskitt, Alan MacDonald: Tudástár sorozat: Kiszámíthatatlan számítógépek + Irány az űr! + Csokis csodák   (3 kötet 📚 ) könyv

Tudástár sorozat: Kiszámíthatatlan számítógépek + Irány az űr! + Csokis csodák (3 kötet 📚 )

Irány az űr! Összefoglaló Most pedig fénysebességgel száguldunk keresztül a világűrön, milliárdnyi másik bolygóval, csillaggal, holddal...



Michael Coleman: Wicked World Cup 2006 idegen

Wicked World Cup 2006

This international guide gives you the coolest commentary on the brilliant Brazilians, the awesome Argentinians, the invincible Italians ...



Michael Coleman: Squabbling Squads idegen

Squabbling Squads

Fantastically funny football stories! This popular series, packed with football fanatics, frightful fouls and cunningly crafty coaching i...



Michael Coleman: Touchline Terror idegen

Touchline Terror

Part of the ANGELS F.C. series, a story about Colly Flower's idea to get his dad off the side line and onto the pitch. Illustrated by Nic...



Michael Coleman: Foul Football Kickin' Quiz Book - Are you on the ball? idegen

Foul Football Kickin' Quiz Book - Are you on the ball?

It's football with the foul bits left in! Find the answers to these and scores of other fiendish footy questions in the Kickin' Quiz Book...



Michael Coleman: Shocking Shooting idegen

Shocking Shooting

3 fantastically funny football stories! Shocking Shooting, Fearsome Free Kicks and Wicked Wingers!



Michael Coleman: Awesome Attacking idegen

Awesome Attacking

Join the Angels FC fan club-for fantastically funny soccer stories!



Michael Coleman: Foul Football  idegen

Foul Football

It's a new season and a new kit for Foul Football with this revamped new edition. Tackles the subjects that other football books leave on...



Michael Coleman: Weirdo's War idegen

Weirdo's War

Daniel and Tozer are very different, so when they are put together on an Outward Bound course they are n ot happy. But when they fall in ...




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