Lionel Trilling művei

Lionel Trilling: The Experience of Literature - A reader with commentaries - Poetry + Fiction antikvár

The Experience of Literature - A reader with commentaries - Poetry + Fiction

Központi Antikvárium Kft.

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Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967

Online ár:

4 000 Ft

Valentin Katajev, Marguerite Duras, Edward Redlinski, Robert Bolt, Roger Caillois, Lionel Trilling, Edmund Wilson, Peter Weiss, John Berger, Malcolm Lowry, Malcolm Cowley: Modern Könyvtár könyv antikvár

Modern Könyvtár könyv

Vonnegut Antikvárium

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Európa Könyvkiadó

Szentkút, A szerető. A kor szava, Kinek se nap, se szél, A költészet packázásai, Művészet és neurózis, Az élet jelei, A vizsgálat, Korunk...

Online ár:

3 990 Ft

Lionel Trilling: The Middle of the Journey antikvár

The Middle of the Journey

Weöres Antikvárium

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Avon Books, 1966

Published in 1947, as the cold war was heating up, Lionel Trilling’s only novel was a prophetic reckoning with the bitter ideological dis...

Online ár:

1 490 Ft

Lionel Trilling: Művészet és neurózis (Tanulmányok) antikvár


940 Ft - 1 490 Ft

J. B. Trapp, John Hollander, Frank Kermode, Martin Price, Lionel Trilling, Harold Bloom: The Oxford Anthology of English Literature I-V. könyv

The Oxford Anthology of English Literature I-V.

I. J. B. Trapp: Medieval English Literature II. John Hollander and Frank Kermode: The Literature of Renaissance England III. Martin Pri...



Lionel Trilling: Beyond Culture könyv

Beyond Culture

In his tradition, Lionel Trilling takes the reader into the hearts and minds of some of the most well known literary figures and their wo...



Lionel Trilling: A Gathering of Fugitives idegen

A Gathering of Fugitives

Writings on general cultural issues accompany discussions of such authors as Edith Wharton, Robert Graves, C. P. Snow, and Charles Dickens



Lionel Trilling: The Opposing Self könyv

The Opposing Self

Analytical studies trace the development theme of the individual in selected novels, letters, and poems from the end of the eighteenth ce...



Lionel Trilling: The Last Decade - Essays and Reviews, 1965-75 könyv

The Last Decade - Essays and Reviews, 1965-75

Pieces written during the last ten years of Trilling's life include important statements on Joyce, Austen, and Freud, a probing investiga...



Lionel Trilling: Speaking of Literature and Society idegen

Speaking of Literature and Society

Diana Trilling selected pieces from her husband's previously uncollected writings covering the wide range of Trilling's concerns from his...



Lionel Trilling: The Liberal Imagination könyv

The Liberal Imagination

The Liberal Imagination is one of the most admired and influential works of criticism of the last century, a work that is not only a mast...



Lionel Trilling: The Middle of the Journey idegen

The Middle of the Journey

Published in 1947, as the cold war was heating up, Lionel Trilling’s only novel was a prophetic reckoning with the bitter ideological dis...



Lionel Trilling: Prefaces to the Experience of Literature idegen

Prefaces to the Experience of Literature

The fifty-two critical commentaries Trilling wrote to accompany each selection in his text book anthology, The Experience of Literature. ...



David Daiches, Miron Białoszewski, Marcos Yauri Montero, Lionel Trilling, Jozef Puskas, Peter Marshall, Miodrag Pavlovic, Jean Husson, Barbara Garson, Peter Weiss, Dumitru R. Popescu, Baklanov, Joan Didion, Richard Brautigan, Nodar Dumbadze, Trevor Griffiths, Shirley Ann Grau, Stephan Hermlin, Adam Wazyk, Hanna Krall, Bernard Pomerance, Bernard Malamud, Ivan Slamnig, Jürg Federspiel, Fazliddin Muhammadijev, Miguel Otero Silva, Volodimir Drozd, Andrej Bitov, Martin Walser, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Hermann Kant, Sumner Locke Elliott, Arcsil Szulakauri, Hans Carl Artmann, Raja Rao, Vlagyimir Laksin, John Updike, J.M.G. Le Clézio, Johan Borgen, Georgi Misev, Sven Delblanc, John Barth, Zyta Oryszyn, John Schlesinger, Volker Braun, Ekrem Ejliszli, Helmut Zenker, Branimir Scepanovic, Claude Mauriac, Edward Redlinski, Jurij Trifonov, Alick West, J. D. Salinger, Józef Hen, Günter Kunert, Peter Taylor, Malcolm Cowley, Vaszilij Akszjonov, Émile Ajar, Clément Lépidis, David Storey, Visvaldis Lams, Kazys Saja, Per Olov Enquist, Ciril Zlobec, Franz Josef Degenhardt, Valerij Sevcsuk, Bengt Börjeson, Roger Caillois, Wolfgang Hildesheimer, Jurij Scserbak, Madeleine Riffaud, Jens Bjorneboe, Jordan Radicskov, Lars Gyllensten, Milovan Danojlic, Anar, Anthony Burgess, Edward Bond, Veronica Porumbacu, Bohdan Czeszko, Vlagyimir Szapozsnyikov, Ferdinando Camon, Peter Hacks, Pascal Lainé, G. Wohmann, Ljuben Petkov, Anatolij Toboljak, H.E. Nossack, Wolfgang Held, Elia Kazan, Robert Pinget, Frank Kermode, Wolfdietrich Schnurre, Stephen Poliakoff, Marin Sorescu, Jürgen Bernt-Bärtl: Modern Könyvtár csomag, 118 kötet könyv

Modern Könyvtár csomag, 118 kötet

A regény és a modern világ, Infarktus, Ősszel ezer év múlva, Harminc napig megy a levél (szibériai elbeszélések), Művészet és neurózis, V...

