Leslie Thomas művei

Leslie Thomas: Onward Virgin Soldiers antikvár

Onward Virgin Soldiers

Központi Antikvárium Kft.

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Michael Joseph, 1971

Bursting with life and bawdy humour, National Serviceman Brigg is now a Regular Army sergeant defending the Empire in the beds and bars o...

Online ár:

4 500 Ft

Leslie Thomas: Stand Up Virgin Soldiers antikvár

Stand Up Virgin Soldiers

Központi Antikvárium Kft.

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Eyre Methuen, 1975

The worst has happened. On the eve of their return, Brigg and his fellow soldiers find themselves sentenced to another six months in Pang...

Online ár:

4 000 Ft

Leslie Thomas: The Dearest and the Best  antikvár


1 440 Ft - 1 500 Ft

Leslie Thomas: Kensington Heights antikvár

Kensington Heights

Bástya Antikvárium

hibátlan, olvasatlan példány

Mandarin Paperbacks, 1996

Frank Inigo Savage simply wants to be alone and the top flat of Kensington Heights seems just the place. Until the other bizarre and ecce...

Online ár:

940 Ft

Leslie Thomas: The Adventures of Goodnight and Loving antikvár

The Adventures of Goodnight and Loving

Penguin Books

Here was a man in whom all avarice, ambition and desire had rolled over and died. Married to Felicity, living in Shillington and droning ...


940 Ft - 1 200 Ft

Leslie Thomas: The virgin soliders antikvár

The virgin soliders


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Online ár:

2 000 Ft

Leslie Thomas: Come To The War antikvár

Come To The War

Központi Antikvárium Kft.

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Michael Joseph, 1969

A novel of love and war in Israel, by the author of The Virgin Soldiers.

Online ár:

2 500 Ft

Leslie Thomas: Dangerous by Moonlight antikvár

Dangerous by Moonlight - Saját kép.

Alba Antik Litera Kft.

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Mandarin, 1994

As plain-clothes men go, Dangerous Davies looks like a non-starter. The small fry of petty larceny and minor disturbances in the backwate...

Online ár:

1 650 Ft

Alan Williams, James Marino, Brian Garfield, Leslie Thomas, Ridley Pearson: Kolchak's Gold + Never Look Back + Onward Virgin Soldiers + The Asgard Solution + The Beria Papers (5 kötet) antikvár

Online ár:

5 990 Ft

Leslie, Rebecca A. - Johnson, Emily K. - Thomas, Gary - Goodwin, Alexander P. L.: Dr Podcast Scripts for the Final FRCA idegen
Leslie, Rebecca A. - Johnson, Emily K. - Thomas, Gary - Goodwin, Alexander P. L.

Dr Podcast Scripts for the Final FRCA

Cambridge University Pr., 2011

Dr Podcast (www.dr-podcast.com) is a great way to revise for the FRCA exams and has been met with widespread enthusiasm from candidates. ...

Online ár:

34 685 Ft

Eredeti ár: 36 510 Ft

Thomas, Leslie Nicole: Legendary Locals of Huntsville idegen
Thomas, Leslie Nicole

Legendary Locals of Huntsville

Arcadia Publishing Inc., 2015

Online ár:

11 225 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 815 Ft

Leslie Thomas: His Lordship idegen

His Lordship

I was given "His Lordship" to read whilst in hospital recovering from having my appendix removed; that was in the early 1970s. I'm not su...



Leslie Thomas: Chloe's song idegen

Chloe's song

Set in and around Southern England, the Far East and Turkey, this is the story of one woman's quest to find a man who tells the truth. Ch...



Leslie Thomas: Running Away idegen

Running Away

Written with the characteristic wit and good humour, Leslie Thomas's novel tells the story of a grown man who runs away from home, and th...



Leslie Thomas: Waiting for the day idegen

Waiting for the day

Midwinter ,1943 .Britain is gripped by intense cold and in the darkest days of the war..



Leslie Thomas: Dover Beach idegen

Dover Beach

Summer 1940. The evacuation of Dunkirk proves that the British can rise to a challenge, even against seemingly insurmountable odds. But n...



Alread, Jason - Whitehead, Rob - Leslie, Thomas: Design-Tech: Building Science for Architects idegen
Alread, Jason - Whitehead, Rob - Leslie, Thomas

Design-Tech: Building Science for Architects

Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2025

The third edition of Design-Tech provides an indispensable, holistic resource for integrating building technologies into critically desig...



Russell, Paul A - Morton, Thomas D - Jackson, Leslie - Prince, Anthony S: Reeds Vol 12: Motor Engineering Knowledge for Marine Engineers idegen
Russell, Paul A - Morton, Thomas D - Jackson, Leslie - Prince, Anthony S

Reeds Vol 12: Motor Engineering Knowledge for Marine Engineers

Bloomsbury USA, 2025

The essential guide to modern equipment found in merchant ships, focusing on 'motor' propulsion for marine engineers.



Alread, Jason - Whitehead, Rob - Leslie, Thomas: Design-Tech: Building Science for Architects idegen
Alread, Jason - Whitehead, Rob - Leslie, Thomas

Design-Tech: Building Science for Architects

Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2025

The third edition of Design-Tech provides an indispensable, holistic resource for integrating building technologies into critically desig...



Moore, Leslie Thomas: Freedom idegen
Moore, Leslie Thomas

Freedom - A tetralogy Four Books to Freedom

Salem Author Solutions, 2025

All of my books were written with the purpose of reaching the incarcerated men and women. I have tried to show the options offered by var...



Leslie Thomas: The Magic Army idegen

The Magic Army

In the spring and early summer of 1944 a huge force, a million and a half strong, spread across Southern England, awaiting the greatest a...



Leslie Thomas: The Adventures of Goodnight & Loving idegen

The Adventures of Goodnight & Loving

When George Goodnight, a lawyer on the staff of a London newspaper, finds his marriage has gone sour, his family holiday is cancelled and...



Leslie Thomas: Arrivals and Departures idegen

Arrivals and Departures

Edward Richardson, manager to one of Heathrow's airlines, lives in the sleepy English village of Bedmansworth, but jets around the world ...




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