Antiquity kategória termékei

Mistireki, Aleksandra: Spina - Wohnen und Handwerk im Venedig der Antike idegen
Mistireki, Aleksandra

Spina - Wohnen und Handwerk im Venedig der Antike - Zur Rekonstruktion eines Hauses und dessen Ausstattung im 4. Jh. v. Chr.

VML Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH, 2023

The Zurich excavations in Spina [2008-2017] brought to light several settlement phases from the end of the 6th to the end of the 4th cent...

Online ár:

32 421 Ft

Eredeti ár: 34 127 Ft

Bonanno, Daniela: Nemesis idegen
Bonanno, Daniela

Nemesis - Rappresentazioni e pratiche cultuali nella Grecia antica

Steiner, Franz, Verlag GmbH, 2023

La nemesis, espressione presso i Greci della censura sociale, e Nemesis potenza divina omonima, il cui santuario di maggior prestigio è c...

Online ár:

24 958 Ft

Eredeti ár: 26 271 Ft

Vannini, Giulio: Petronii Arbitri "Satyricon" 100-115 idegen
Vannini, Giulio

Petronii Arbitri "Satyricon" 100-115 - Edizione critica e commento

de Gruyter, Walter, GmbH, 2010

This critical edition and commentary of the sea voyage episode of Petronius' Satyricon makes an important contribution towards a reassess...

Online ár:

77 224 Ft

Eredeti ár: 81 288 Ft

Money and Honor in Ancient Athletics idegen

Money and Honor in Ancient Athletics

Steiner, Franz, Verlag GmbH, 2024

Experts of ancient sport have long treated "money" and "honor" as opposites. Up to the 1970s, the idea of Greek gentlemen's sport prevail...

Online ár:

22 804 Ft

Eredeti ár: 24 004 Ft

Rocca, Giovanna - Sarullo, Giulia: Il Cippo del Foro idegen
Rocca, Giovanna - Sarullo, Giulia

Il Cippo del Foro - Nuove letture e prospettive euristiche

De Gruyter, 2025

The Cippus of the Forum is reviewed in a new light thanks to the results of laser scanning commissioned by the Soprintendenza di Roma. A ...

Online ár:

42 994 Ft

Eredeti ár: 45 256 Ft

Antike Heiligtümer in Griechenland, Magna Graecia und Sizilien idegen

Online ár:

28 032 Ft

Eredeti ár: 29 507 Ft

Hunyadi Zsolt, Ribi András: The Knights Hospitaller in Medieval Hungary idegen

The Knights Hospitaller in Medieval Hungary

MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont, 2023

The aim of this book is to present the history and activity of the Hospi-tallers in the medieval Kingdom of Hungary (c.1150-1543) based o...



Palmyrenes Abroad idegen

Palmyrenes Abroad - Diasporas from Rome to Mesopotamia and Beyond

Steiner, Franz, Verlag GmbH, 2025

Palmyra was a unique place within the Roman Empire. The city, located in a Syrian oasis, preserved a culture and social organization of i...




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