20th century kategória termékei

German Millennium idegen

German Millennium

Könemann, 2000

Over the past year or two, one of my great discoveries has been any book produced by Nick Yapp from the Getty Collection. In particular t...



The Resilient City in World War II idegen

The Resilient City in World War II - Urban Environmental Histories

Springer International Publishing, 2020

The fate of towns and cities stands at the center of the environmental history of World War II. Broad swaths of cityscapes were destroyed...

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52 725 Ft

Eredeti ár: 55 500 Ft

Lebensläufe - Life lines idegen

Lebensläufe - Life lines - Shaul Ladany - Weltrekordhalter, Überlebender des Holocaust und des Attentats von München 1972. Didaktische Handreichungen und Quellen zu Kontinuitätslinien des Antisemitismus

Wallstein, 2022

Eine zweifache Überlebensgeschichte. Im Alter von acht Jahren wurde Shaul Ladany 1944 mit seiner Familie aus Ungarn in das KZ Bergen-Bels...

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10 420 Ft

Eredeti ár: 10 968 Ft

Yad Vashem Studies Vol. 47.2 idegen

Yad Vashem Studies Vol. 47.2

Wallstein, 2020

Eine der führenden Zeitschriften zur Holocaustforschung mit hochkarätigen Beiträgern aus aller Welt. Alle Bände sind komplett englischspr...

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7 049 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 419 Ft

Continuities and Discontinuities of the Habsburg Legacy in East-Central European Discourses since 1918 idegen

Continuities and Discontinuities of the Habsburg Legacy in East-Central European Discourses since 1918

V&R unipress, 2020

In 1918 the Danube Monarchy ceased to exist and its provinces became parts of the Monarchy's successor states, which increasingly assumed...

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18 542 Ft

Eredeti ár: 19 517 Ft

Places, Spaces, and Voids in the Holocaust idegen

Places, Spaces, and Voids in the Holocaust

Wallstein, 2021

The EHS issues are thematic. Each issue features a selection of peer-reviewed research articles, which offer novel perspectives on the ma...

Online ár:

17 328 Ft

Eredeti ár: 18 239 Ft

In Their Surroundings idegen

In Their Surroundings - Localizing Modern Jewish Literatures in Eastern Europe

Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2023

From the second half of the nineteenth century through to World War II, Eastern Europe, especially the territories that formerly made up ...

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20 618 Ft

Eredeti ár: 21 703 Ft

Multiple Sacralities idegen

Multiple Sacralities - Rethinking Sacralizations in European History

Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2023

We live in a present of multiple and conflicting sacralities. How do we account for the persistence and remarkable adaptability of tradit...

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28 824 Ft

Eredeti ár: 30 341 Ft

Europe's Fraternal War 1914-1918 idegen

Europe's Fraternal War 1914-1918

KKETTK Közalapítvány, 2014

Az európai testvérháború hatalmas áldozatokat követelt. Európa lakosságának több mint 6%-a elesett vagy súlyosan megrokkant. 20 millió ro...



Von Casablanca nach Karlshorst idegen

Von Casablanca nach Karlshorst - Begleitband zur Ausstellung

Wallstein, 2020

Casablanca und Karlshorst: Diese beiden Orte verbindet die alliierte Forderung der bedingungslosen Kapitulation Deutschlands im Zweiten W...

Online ár:

8 458 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 903 Ft

Oyfn Sheydveg. Issue 1, 1939 (April) idegen

Oyfn Sheydveg. Issue 1, 1939 (April)

Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2023

In 1939, a new Yiddish journal was published in Paris under the name »Oyfn sheydveg« (At the Crossroads). The Authors, primarily Eastern ...

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53 570 Ft

Eredeti ár: 56 389 Ft

Anti-Axis Resistance in Southeastern Europe, 1939-1945 idegen

Anti-Axis Resistance in Southeastern Europe, 1939-1945 - Forms and Varieties

Brill | Schöningh, 2023

This innovative book explores the complexities and levels of resistance amongst the populations of Southeastern Europe during the Second ...

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36 653 Ft

Eredeti ár: 38 582 Ft

World War II The Definitive Visual Guide idegen

World War II The Definitive Visual Guide

Dorling Kindersley Ltd., 2021

Explore the history of the people, politics, and events of World War II - one of the most destructive events in world history. If you're ...

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13 289 Ft

Eredeti ár: 13 988 Ft

Buchenwald idegen

Buchenwald - Zur europäischen Textgeschichte eines Konzentrationslagers

De Gruyter, 2023

Kaum ein nationalsozialistisches Konzentrationslager hat nach 1945 eine derart vielfältige Literatur hervorgebracht wie Buchenwald. Zu ih...

Online ár:

37 061 Ft

Eredeti ár: 39 011 Ft

Yad Vashem Studies Vol. 49.1 idegen

Yad Vashem Studies Vol. 49.1

Wallstein, 2024

Eine der führenden Zeitschriften zur Holocaustforschung mit hochkarätigen Beiträgern aus aller Welt. Alle Bände sind komplett englischspr...



Khurbn-Forshung idegen

Khurbn-Forshung - Documents on Early Holocaust Research in Postwar Poland

Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2022

This volume features 50 documents in Polish, Yiddish, and German, with English translations, exemplifying early Holocaust research undert...

Online ár:

61 806 Ft

Eredeti ár: 65 058 Ft

Accidents and the State idegen

Accidents and the State - Understanding Risks in the 20th Century

transcript, 2024

The beginning of the 20th century saw a reinterpretation of the concept of the accident. While accidents had traditionally been considere...



Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp 1936-1945 idegen

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp 1936-1945 - Events and Developments

Veitl, Friedrich, 2016

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp 1936-1945

Online ár:

7 896 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 311 Ft

Das frühe Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum (RAC) und der Nationalsozialismus idegen

Das frühe Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum (RAC) und der Nationalsozialismus

Brill | Schöningh, 2024

Obwohl das »Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum« (RAC) in jeder Universitätsbibliothek, in jedem altertumswissenschaftlichen Institut ...



Astrid Lindgren und der Zweite Weltkrieg idegen

Astrid Lindgren und der Zweite Weltkrieg - Interdisziplinäre Annäherungen an Leben und Schreiben in Zeiten des Krieges

Universit„tsverlag Winter GmbH Heidelberg, 2023

Astrid Lindgrens edierte ,Kriegstagebücher 1939-1945', die sowohl in Schweden als auch in Deutschland erstmals 2015 publiziert wurden, si...

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14 851 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 632 Ft

Vor aller Augen idegen

Vor aller Augen - Die Deportation der Juden und die Versteigerung ihres Eigentums. Fotografien aus Lörrach 1940

Hentrich und Hentrich Verlag Berlin, 2018

Die im Stadtarchiv Lörrach erhaltenen Fotografien der Deportation von Juden aus Lörrach und der Umgebung der Stadt am 22. Oktober 1940 st...

Online ár:

11 205 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 794 Ft

Nazi-Deutsch in 22 Lektionen. Nazi-German in 22 Lessons. idegen

Nazi-Deutsch in 22 Lektionen. Nazi-German in 22 Lessons. - Mit hilfreichen Informationen für Führer, Saboteure, Gauleiter und Quislinge. Nachdruck eine Flugblattes des britischen Informationsministeriums aus dem Jahr 1942.

Favoritenpresse GmbH, 2022

Über die fatale Logik von Propaganda - und wie sie durch Satire überwunden werden kann ¿Lektion 16 - Dekadente Nationen ¿Nationen, die [....

Online ár:

5 786 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 090 Ft

Poland: General Government August 1941-1945 idegen

Poland: General Government August 1941-1945

De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2024

This source edition on the persecution and murder of the European Jews by Nazi Germany presents in a total of 16 volumes a thematically c...

Online ár:

24 852 Ft

Eredeti ár: 26 160 Ft

Buchenwald idegen

Buchenwald - Ostracism and Violence 1937 to 1945

Wallstein, 2017

The catalogue to the new permanent exhibition at the Buchenwald Memorial. The Buchenwald concentration camp was located less than ten kil...

Online ár:

8 333 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 771 Ft

Orthodoxy in the Agora idegen

Orthodoxy in the Agora - Orthodox Christian Political Theologies Across History

Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2024

The radical socio-political changes in the wake of the fall of communism in many predominantly Orthodox countries of Eastern and Southeas...

Online ár:

32 956 Ft

Eredeti ár: 34 690 Ft

Kriegsgeschädigte und europäische Nachkriegsgesellschaften im 20. Jahrhundert idegen

Kriegsgeschädigte und europäische Nachkriegsgesellschaften im 20. Jahrhundert

Brill | Sch”ningh, 2023

Kriegsschädigungen waren kein gesellschaftliches Randphänomen, sondern ein zentrales Merkmal europäischer Kriegsfolgengesellschaften des ...

Online ár:

32 508 Ft

Eredeti ár: 34 218 Ft

Myths of Wewelsburg Castle idegen

Myths of Wewelsburg Castle - Facts and Fiction

Brill | Schöningh, 2022

Wewelsburg Castle in Germany figures prominently in right-wing conspiracy theories and popular culture. This book sheds light onto the ba...

Online ár:

15 299 Ft

Eredeti ár: 16 104 Ft

French Globalization Projects idegen

French Globalization Projects

Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2024

Globalisierung ist kein anonymer Prozess, der hinter dem Rücken der Akteure stattfindet. Dieser Band betrachtet die Bemühungen in Frankre...



'Jewish Councils' in Nazi Europe, 1938-1945: A Pan European Perspective idegen

'Jewish Councils' in Nazi Europe, 1938-1945: A Pan European Perspective

Wallstein Verlag, 2024

Different perspectives on the controversially discussed 'Jewish Councils' The Jewish representative organisations that were instituted by...



Babyn Yar idegen

Babyn Yar - History and Memory

ibidem, 2024

The twentieth century was filled with many tragedies. During the Second World War, Babyn Yar - a ravine outside Kyiv where victims were s...



Black Britain and Nelson Mandela idegen

Black Britain and Nelson Mandela - "Pulling the Branch of a Tree"

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024

In Black Britain and Nelson Mandela: "Pulling the Branch of a Tree" Elizabeth Williams leads a cast of renowned scholars to explore the i...



The 1969 'Greek Case' in the Council of Europe idegen

The 1969 'Greek Case' in the Council of Europe - A Game Changer for Human Rights

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024

In 1969 Greece withdrew from the Council of Europe (CoE), following pressure exercised by various European countries, organisations, soci...



The National University of Ireland First World War Centenary Roll of Honour and Essays idegen

The National University of Ireland First World War Centenary Roll of Honour and Essays

Four Courts Press, 2024

At the beginning of the First World War, many Irish men were enticed to enlist by the promise of home rule, while others may have joined ...



The Historical Contexts and Contemporary Uses of Mass-Observation idegen

The Historical Contexts and Contemporary Uses of Mass-Observation - 1930s to the Present

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024

This edited collection examines Mass-Observation as an innovative research organization, a social-movement, and an archival project. It f...



Our People's War idegen

Our People's War - Home Intelligence Reports and the Monitoring of British Morale, June 1941-December 1944

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024

What was the mood of the British people during the middle and later years of the Second World War? How did they react to the major milita...



Deported idegen

Deported - Comparative Perspectives on Paths to Annihilation for Jewish Populations under Nazi German Control

new academic press og, 2024

Transit facilities and railway stations used for deportation have been rediscovered as central sites of the Shoah in recent years. Public...

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16 476 Ft

Eredeti ár: 17 343 Ft

German Migrant Historians in North America idegen

German Migrant Historians in North America - Transatlantic Careers and Scholarship After 1945

Berghahn Books, 2024

The migration experiences, career paths, and scholarship of historians born in Germany who started emigrating to North America in the 195...



Papusza / Bronis¿awa Wajs. Tears of Blood idegen

Papusza / Bronis¿awa Wajs. Tears of Blood - A poet's witness account of the Nazi genocide of Roma

Brill | Schöningh, 2024

Ratfale Jasfa (Romani: 'Tears of Blood') is a poem by the Romani poet Papusza (Bronislawa Wajs) who survived the German occupation and th...



Accounting for the Holocaust idegen

Accounting for the Holocaust - Enabling the Final Solution

Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2024

Accounting for the Holocaust reveals how the numerical calculations, techniques and reports that constitute accounting practices allowed ...



Deserteure der Wehrmacht und der Waffen-SS idegen

Deserteure der Wehrmacht und der Waffen-SS - Entziehungsformen, Solidarität, Verfolgung

Brill | Schöningh, 2023

Deserteure der Wehrmacht und der Waffen-SS brachen im Zweiten Weltkrieg mit dem NS-Staat. Sie überschritten in vielfacher Weise Grenzen: ...

Online ár:

20 607 Ft

Eredeti ár: 21 691 Ft

Erkundungen idegen

Erkundungen - Militärische Nachrichtendienste, Spionage und Informationsbeschaffung vor dem und im Ersten Weltkrieg in Russland, Österreich-Ungarn, Deutschland und Italien

Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2022

How did secret services work? How was espionage organized and what kind of sources did it use? What did European secret services look lik...

Online ár:

16 510 Ft

Eredeti ár: 17 378 Ft

Robert Franklin Williams Speaks: A Documentary History idegen

Robert Franklin Williams Speaks: A Documentary History

Anthem Press, 2024

Robert Franklin Williams Speaks: A Documentary History represents the only full-length volume that includes key documents (i.e., speeches...



A. J. P. Taylor: English history 1914-1945 antikvár

English history 1914-1945

Pestszentlőrinci antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Oxford University Press, 1982

Online ár:

1 990 Ft

Ackerman, Diane: The Zookeeper's Wife idegen
Ackerman, Diane

The Zookeeper's Wife - A War Story

Norton & Company, 2008

Jan and Antonina Zabinski were Polish Christian zookeepers horrified by Nazi racism, who managed to save over three hundred people. Yet t...

Online ár:

7 030 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 399 Ft

Adlington, Lucy: The Dressmakers of Auschwitz idegen
Adlington, Lucy

The Dressmakers of Auschwitz - The True Story of the Women Who Sewed to Survive

Harper Collins Publ. USA, 2021

A powerful chronicle of the women who used their sewing skills to survive the Holocaust, stitching beautiful clothes at an extraordinary ...

Online ár:

7 644 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 046 Ft

Afiero, Massimiliano: The Italian Army in the Balkans 1940-41 idegen
Afiero, Massimiliano

The Italian Army in the Balkans 1940-41 - The Invasion of Greece and Yugoslavia

Helion & Company, 2024

The book describes the Italian military campaign in the Balkans, between October 1940 and spring 1941, starting first with the invasion o...



Alenius, Kari - Kaubrys, Saulius: Balancing between National Unity and "Multiculturalism" idegen
Alenius, Kari - Kaubrys, Saulius

Balancing between National Unity and "Multiculturalism" - National Minorities in Lithuania and Finland 1918-1939

Brill | Schöningh, 2022

The book provides a comprehensive picture of the Finnish and Lithuanian minority policies between the World Wars. The work also offers an...

Online ár:

40 717 Ft

Eredeti ár: 42 860 Ft

Alex Bandy: Chocolate and Chess (Unlocking Lakatos) idegen

Chocolate and Chess (Unlocking Lakatos)

Akadémiai Kiadó, 2010

Why were the secret services of countries on both sides of the Cold War divide interested in a philosopher with six names? Decades after ...



Ali, Tariq: Winston Churchill idegen
Ali, Tariq

Winston Churchill - His Times, His Crimes

Verso Books, 2023

The life and crimes of the last, great Imperialist

Online ár:

7 037 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 407 Ft

Amor Towles: A Gentleman in Moscow idegen

A Gentleman in Moscow


On 21 June 1922, Count Alexander Rostov - recipient of the Order of Saint Andrew, member of the Jockey Club, Master of the Hunt - is esco...



Anderson, Scott: Lawrence in Arabia idegen
Anderson, Scott

Lawrence in Arabia - War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East

Random House LLC US, 2014

One of the Best Books of the Year: The Christian Science Monitor NPR The Seattle Times St. Louis Post-Dispatch Chicago Tribune A New York...

Online ár:

8 966 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 437 Ft

Anderson, Scott: Lawrence in Arabia idegen
Anderson, Scott

Lawrence in Arabia - War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East

Atlantic Books, 2014

Narrative history covering the experience of the Middle East during WWI, with iconic Lawrence of Arabia at the heart of the story. Gives ...

Online ár:

7 082 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 454 Ft

Anderson Jr., Richard C.: American Thunder idegen
Anderson Jr., Richard C.

American Thunder - U.S. Army Tank Design, Development, and Doctrine in World War II

Stackpole Books, 2024

This book is a colorful, vivid, and insightful look at how the U.S. produced a tank force capable of conducting its own battlefield effor...



Andrieu, Claire: When Men Fell from the Sky idegen
Andrieu, Claire

When Men Fell from the Sky - Civilians and Downed Airmen in Second World War Europe

Cambridge University Pr., 2023

A fascinating comparative history of the treatment of fallen airmen in Second World War Europe.

Online ár:

15 710 Ft

Eredeti ár: 16 536 Ft

Applebaum, Anne: Red Famine idegen
Applebaum, Anne

Red Famine - Stalin's War on Ukraine

Random House LLC US, 2018

AN ECONOMIST BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR From the author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Gulag and the National Book Award finalist Iron Curtain,...

Online ár:

6 260 Ft

Eredeti ár: 6 589 Ft

Atkin, Malcolm: British Special Operations in the Second World War idegen
Atkin, Malcolm

British Special Operations in the Second World War - By Stealth and Guile

Pen & Sword Books Ltd, 2024

This book does not simply record individual operations in isolation. While the skill, commitment and audacity of the men involved are not...



Avram, Morrell Michael: I Am the Storm idegen
Avram, Morrell Michael

I Am the Storm - My Odyssey from the Holocaust to the Frontiers of Medicine

Skyhorse Publishing, 2021

Morrell Avram, born in Bucharest, could have easily become one of the 200,000 Romanian Jews killed by the German Nazis or their Romanian ...

Online ár:

10 543 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 097 Ft

Avriett, Carole Engle: Midnight in Ironbottom Sound idegen
Avriett, Carole Engle

Midnight in Ironbottom Sound

Skyhorse Publishing, 2024

A great newbook from Regnery Publishing!




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