Handicraft, Handiwork kategória termékei

Banner, Bernadette: Make, Sew and Mend idegen
Banner, Bernadette

Make, Sew and Mend - Traditional Techniques to Sustainably Maintain and Refashion Your Clothes

Macmillan USA, 2022

New York Times Bestseller Learn the Historically Proven Stitches Every Seamster Needs with Beloved Historical Fashion YouTuber Bernadette...

Online ár:

10 535 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 089 Ft

Eckman, Edie: Connect-the-Shapes Crochet Motifs idegen
Eckman, Edie

Connect-the-Shapes Crochet Motifs - Creative Techniques for Joining Motifs of All Shapes

Workman Publishing, 2012

Make a connection! If you love to crochet, what could be better than 101 new motifs to add to your repertoire? How about innovative, easy...

Online ár:

11 016 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 595 Ft

Zedenius, Fanny: Macrame idegen
Zedenius, Fanny

Macrame - The Craft of Creative Knotting

Quadrille Publishing Ltd, 2017

Explains how to make 20 striking homeware projects with 28 different macrame knots. Includes illustrated, step-by-step instructions. *Als...

Online ár:

9 475 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 973 Ft

Verlag Aenne Burda GmbH & Co. KG: Das große burda Näh-Handbuch idegen
Verlag Aenne Burda GmbH & Co. KG

Das große burda Näh-Handbuch - Nähen mit burda

Burda, Aenne, Verlag, GmbH & Co. KG, 2021

Die 5. erweiterte und vollständig überarbeitete Auflage ist das Standardwerk für jede Einsteigerin oder versierte Hobby-Schneiderin. Mit ...

Online ár:

10 862 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 433 Ft

Fassett, Kaffe: Kaffe Fassett's Bold Blooms idegen
Fassett, Kaffe

Kaffe Fassett's Bold Blooms - Quilts and Other Works Celebrating Flowers

Abrams & Chronicle Books, 2016

Renowned colour expert and quilt and fabric designer Kaffe Fassett explores flowers as a source of inspiration for patchwork and needlepo...

Online ár:

15 797 Ft

Eredeti ár: 16 628 Ft

Rodabaugh, Katrina: Mending Matters idegen
Rodabaugh, Katrina

Mending Matters - Stitch, Patch, and Repair Your Favorite Denim & More

Abrams & Chronicle Books, 2018

Join the slow fashion movement by learning Sashiko and other beautiful stitching techniques

Online ár:

11 239 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 830 Ft

Fischer, Anette: Sewing for Fashion Designers idegen
Fischer, Anette

Sewing for Fashion Designers

Laurence King Publishing, 2015

Dieser umfassende Leitfaden vermittelt Grundwissen in Sachen Nähen für Modedesigner. Alles über Maschinen, Stoffe, Nähtechniken, Schnitte...

Online ár:

18 211 Ft

Eredeti ár: 19 169 Ft

Wagener, Klaus - Wagener, Bernhild: New Ikebana idegen
Wagener, Klaus - Wagener, Bernhild

New Ikebana - Traditionelle Technik neu interpretiert

BLOOM's GmbH Medien Marketing Events, 2022

NATÜRLICH - EINFACH - ÄSTHETISCH Wie die traditionelle japanische Blumensteckkunst zeitgemäßer, einfacher und dennoch genauso ästhetisch ...

Online ár:

12 915 Ft

Eredeti ár: 13 594 Ft

Rangel, Andrea: KnitOvation Stitch Dictionary idegen
Rangel, Andrea

KnitOvation Stitch Dictionary - 150+ Modern Colorwork Knitting Motifs.

Penguin LLC US, 2023

A brand new stitch dictionary from the author of the wildly popular, AlterKnit Stitch Dictionary. KnitOvation includes more than 150 bran...

Online ár:

12 699 Ft

Eredeti ár: 13 367 Ft

Finch, Alice: The LEGO Architecture Idea Book idegen
Finch, Alice

The LEGO Architecture Idea Book - 1001 Ideas for Brickwork, Siding, Windows, Columns, Roofing, and Much, Much More

Random House LLC US, 2018

Take your creations to the next level with The LEGO Architecture Idea Book! These clever building tips will give you endless inspiration ...

Online ár:

11 461 Ft

Eredeti ár: 12 064 Ft

Stone, Charlotte: Charming Colorwork Socks idegen
Stone, Charlotte

Charming Colorwork Socks - 25 Delightful Knitting Patterns for Colorful, Comfy Footwear

Macmillan USA, 2022

Joyful Sock Designs to Wear and Share Get ready to cast on the colorwork socks of your dreams! Prolific knitwear designer and colorwork a...

Online ár:

10 950 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 526 Ft

Isogawa, Yoshihito: The LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor Idea Book idegen
Isogawa, Yoshihito

The LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor Idea Book

Random House LLC US, 2021

"If you've had your fun building programmable, intelligent creations with the LEGO Mindstorms robot inventor set, it's time to take your ...

Online ár:

15 901 Ft

Eredeti ár: 16 737 Ft

Braid, Daisy: Sew It Yourself with DIY Daisy idegen
Braid, Daisy

Sew It Yourself with DIY Daisy - 20 Pattern-Free Projects (and Infinite Variations) To Make Your Dream Wardrobe

Hardie Grant London Ltd., 2022

This is a colourful, size-inclusive and inspiring book for sewers of all stages and abilities, beginners included. It includes guides on ...

Online ár:

10 758 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 324 Ft

Lang, Robert J.: Origami Design Secrets idegen
Lang, Robert J.

Origami Design Secrets - Mathematical Methods for an Ancient Art, Second Edition

Taylor & Francis Inc, 2011

"This book is an opus of world-famous origamist Robert J. Lang that presents the mathematical and design principles he uses to create ori...

Online ár:

39 338 Ft

Eredeti ár: 41 408 Ft

Hirsch, Gretchen: Gertie's Ultimate Dress Book idegen
Hirsch, Gretchen

Gertie's Ultimate Dress Book - A Modern Guide to Sewing Fabulous Vintage Styles

Abrams & Chronicle Books, 2016

With instructions and patterns for 23 dresses, this book is packed with all the information you could ever need to create a wardrobe fill...

Online ár:

15 132 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 928 Ft

Zerkowski, Wolf: Make your own medieval clothing - Basic garments for Women idegen
Zerkowski, Wolf

Make your own medieval clothing - Basic garments for Women

Zauberfeder Verlag, 2017

To be dressed historically correct as a medieval re-enactor - it could not be simpler: the range of garments that those interested in the...

Online ár:

9 394 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 888 Ft

Wagener, Klaus - Stephan, Winzer: GREEN idegen
Wagener, Klaus - Stephan, Winzer

GREEN - Floraldesign mit Blatt und Blüte

BLOOM's GmbH Medien Marketing Events, 2023

INSPIRATION UND FLORALES HANDWERK Das Buch GREEN zeigt eine Fülle an floralen Inspirationen für floristisches Gestalten mit dem Grün der ...

Online ár:

15 048 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 839 Ft

Lego: LEGO Botanical Almanac idegen

LEGO Botanical Almanac - A Field Guide to Brick-Built Blooms

Abrams & Chronicle Books, 2024

"This intricately illustrated compendium of flowers and plants has a LEGOª twist-the blooms are built of bricks!"--

Online ár:

8 379 Ft

Eredeti ár: 8 820 Ft

Berg, Melanie: Shawls idegen
Berg, Melanie

Shawls - Tücher stricken mit Stil. Knit in Style. (zweisprachige Ausgabe in Deutsch und Englisch)

frechverlag GmbH, 2018

Endlich, das erste Buch von Melanie Berg! Die international erfolgreiche Strickdesignerin, die vor allem unter dem Namen Mairlynd bekannt...

Online ár:

9 494 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 993 Ft

Bally, Chinelo: Freehand Fashion idegen
Bally, Chinelo

Freehand Fashion - Learn to sew the perfect Wardrobe-No Patterns Required!

Harper Collins Publ. UK, 2020

Based on a traditional Nigerian technique, Chinelo has developed her own freehand cutting technique. The emphasis is on the individual's ...

Online ár:

11 243 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 834 Ft

Revenson, Jody - Anne, Juli: Harry Potter: Official Book of Crochet Amigurumi idegen
Revenson, Jody - Anne, Juli

Harry Potter: Official Book of Crochet Amigurumi

Quercus Publishing Plc, 2024

Crochet your own adorable amigurumi inspired by the Harry Potter films with Harry Potter: Official Book of Crochet Amigurumi

Online ár:

12 331 Ft

Eredeti ár: 12 979 Ft

Odd Dot: The Antiquarian Sticker Book: Bibliophilia idegen
Odd Dot

The Antiquarian Sticker Book: Bibliophilia

Macmillan USA, 2021

Luxuriate in the pages of THE ANTIQUARIAN STICKER BOOK: BIBLIOPHILIA, a compendium of over 1,000 gorgeous stickers for lovers of the sens...

Online ár:

12 753 Ft

Eredeti ár: 13 424 Ft

Benedettelli, Daniele: The LEGO BOOST Activity Book idegen
Benedettelli, Daniele

The LEGO BOOST Activity Book

Random House LLC US, 2018

At last, fans of the LEGO BOOST robot building kit have the learning resource they've been missing! Enter The LEGO BOOST Activity Book: a...

Online ár:

11 427 Ft

Eredeti ár: 12 028 Ft

Laine: 52 Weeks of Socks idegen

52 Weeks of Socks - Beautiful Patterns for Year-round Knitting

Hardie Grant London Ltd., 2021

"First published in 2020 by Laine Publishing"--Colophon.

Online ár:

10 824 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 393 Ft

Goddard, Ann: Mixed Media Textile Art in Three Dimensions idegen
Goddard, Ann

Mixed Media Textile Art in Three Dimensions

Abrams & Chronicle Books, 2022

One of the world's best textile artists brings insight, technique and new ideas to one of the most exciting areas of textile work - three...

Online ár:

12 919 Ft

Eredeti ár: 13 598 Ft

Cunliffe, Jordan: Record, Map and Capture in Textile Art idegen
Cunliffe, Jordan

Record, Map and Capture in Textile Art - Data visualization in cloth and stitch

Abrams & Chronicle Books, 2022

Almost any aspect of your life can be represented in graph or map form, and here are many practical ways to achieve this, whether it's re...

Online ár:

12 919 Ft

Eredeti ár: 13 598 Ft

Gilewska, Teresa: The Perfect Fit idegen
Gilewska, Teresa

The Perfect Fit - Creating and Altering Basic Sewing Patterns for Tops, Sleeves, Skirts, and Pants

Rocky Nook, Inc., 2024

"Design, draw, and alter sewing patterns to achieve the perfect fit in your homesewn garments! Every body is different, and standard size...

Online ár:

13 952 Ft

Eredeti ár: 14 686 Ft

Legrand, Catherine: Patchwork idegen
Legrand, Catherine

Patchwork - A World Tour

Thames & Hudson, 2022

A vibrant, in-depth survey of the techniques and traditions of patchwork around the world. What do Korean bojagi wrapping cloths, Cameroo...

Online ár:

16 831 Ft

Eredeti ár: 17 716 Ft

Massie, Joseph: The Flower School idegen
Massie, Joseph

The Flower School - The Principles and Pleasures of Good Flowers

Quadrille Publishing Ltd, 2022

A modern take on floral design from one of the world's top florists. This book takes you by the hand and expertly guides you step-by-step...

Online ár:

16 853 Ft

Eredeti ár: 17 740 Ft

Lyles, Brian - Lyles, Jason: The LEGO Neighborhood Book 2 idegen
Lyles, Brian - Lyles, Jason

The LEGO Neighborhood Book 2 - Build Your Own City!

Random House LLC US, 2018

Step-by-step instructions show how to build detailed LEGO models of neighborhoods - complete with homes, stores, restaurants, barbershops...

Online ár:

9 255 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 742 Ft

Hirsch, Gretchen: Gertie Sews Vintage Casual idegen
Hirsch, Gretchen

Gertie Sews Vintage Casual - A Modern Guide to Sportswear Styles of the 1940s and 1950s

Abrams & Chronicle Books, 2014

A fresh spin on the traditional sewing reference title with modern updates on the sportswear of the 1950s, and an illustrated guide to al...

Online ár:

15 132 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 928 Ft

Lee, Summer: The Sock Project idegen
Lee, Summer

The Sock Project - Colorful, Cool Socks to Knit and Show Off

Abrams & Chronicle Books, 2024

Oklahoma native and proud member of the Muscogee-Creek Nation, Summer Lee shares her knitting secrets for creating all shapes and sizes o...

Online ár:

10 766 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 332 Ft

Punch Needle idegen

Punch Needle - Trend-Sticken in 3 D

Rico Design GmbH & Co.KG, 2019

Liebe DIY-Fans, Needle Punching ist DER neue Trend beim Sticken. Mit der einfachen, aber effektvollen Sticktechnik entstehen dreidimensio...

Online ár:

3 040 Ft

Eredeti ár: 3 200 Ft

Smith, Alison: The Dressmaking Book idegen
Smith, Alison

The Dressmaking Book - Over 80 Techniques

Dorling Kindersley Ltd., 2021

This is your complete guide to dressmaking, from designing, creating and customising your clothes. Master every dressmaking technique in ...

Online ár:

14 125 Ft

Eredeti ár: 14 868 Ft

Putnam, Darroch - Putnam, Michael: Flower Colour Guide idegen
Putnam, Darroch - Putnam, Michael

Flower Colour Guide

Phaidon, 2018

The ultimate colour-by-colour flower reference guide - from New York's pre-eminent floral designers, Putnam and Putnam Planning a wedding...

Online ár:

12 895 Ft

Eredeti ár: 13 573 Ft

Rodabaugh, Katrina: Make Thrift Mend idegen
Rodabaugh, Katrina

Make Thrift Mend - Stitch, Dye, Repair & Love Your Wardrobe: A Slow-fashion Guide

Abrams & Chronicle Books, 2021

Whether you want to repair your goto jeans, refresh a wardrobe favorite, thrift shop like a pro, or tailor and reinvent what you already ...

Online ár:

10 174 Ft

Eredeti ár: 10 709 Ft

Elaine Louie: Living with textiles antikvár

Living with textiles

Vonnegut Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Mitchell Beazley, 2001

Online ár:

4 990 Ft

Penny Hill: Crochet-Sunburst handguides antikvár

Crochet-Sunburst handguides

Könyvlabirintus Antikvárium

jó állapotú antikvár könyv

Select Sound Carrier, 1995

Sunburst handguides-techniques.

Online ár:

2 200 Ft


Online ár:

4 301 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 527 Ft

Maritim idegen

Online ár:

4 305 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 531 Ft

Kirksey, Kellie N: Word Medicine idegen
Kirksey, Kellie N

Word Medicine - Affirmations and Poems to inspire and support our Journey

619 Wreath, 2023

Word Medicine is a book of affirmations and poems infused with realistic and supportive reminders to offer ourselves compassion and remem...

Online ár:

9 447 Ft

Eredeti ár: 9 944 Ft

A. Jackson; D. Day: Better Than New - A practical guide to renovating furniture antikvár

Better Than New - A practical guide to renovating furniture

Alba Könyvépítő Kft.

közepes állapotú antikvár könyv

British Broadcasting Corp., 1982

Online ár:

2 990 Ft

Window Chalk Art Maritim idegen

Window Chalk Art Maritim - Fenster- und Glasmalerei mit Tafelmarkern

Rico Design GmbH & Co.KG, 2021

Liebe Chalk Art Fans, unsere liebevoll gestalteten Maritim Vorlagen bringen Urlaubsstimmung in euer Zuhause. Ob Fische, Seesterne oder Mö...

Online ár:

3 014 Ft

Eredeti ár: 3 172 Ft

BLOOM's VIEW 1/2023 (No.17) idegen

BLOOM's VIEW 1/2023 (No.17) - Frühling/Sommer

BLOOM's GmbH Medien Marketing Events, 2023

Das Profi-Magazin für die Floristik-Branche Zweimal im Jahr präsentiert BLOOM's VIEW die wichtigsten kreativen Entwicklungen für die flor...

Online ár:

19 245 Ft

Eredeti ár: 20 257 Ft

Beeswax CANDLES - selfmade with love - idegen

Beeswax CANDLES - selfmade with love - - Kerzen selber machen: Natürlich schön aus Bienenwachs

Rico Design GmbH & Co.KG, 2023

Liebe DIY-Fans, gießt, färbt und dekoriert Euch Eure Wunschkerzen! Ob an Weihnachten, beim Abendessen mit Freunden oder bei einem ruhigen...

Online ár:

3 014 Ft

Eredeti ár: 3 172 Ft

nature matters idegen

nature matters - Nachhaltige DIY-Ideen für Küche, Bad und Wohnen

Rico Design GmbH & Co.KG, 2020

Liebe DIY-Fans, mit unseren kreativen DIY-Ideen zum Basteln, Nähen, Stricken und Häkeln könnt Ihr Euer Zuhause Stück für Stück nachhaltig...

Online ár:

2 629 Ft

Eredeti ár: 2 767 Ft

Michael Freeman: India Modern antikvár

India Modern

Könyvbogár Antikvárium

hibátlan, olvasatlan példány

Mitchell Beazley, 2005

Showcases the best of contemporary Indian interiors - homes, bars, restaurants, hotels, resorts, spas, shops. Features stunning, previous...

Online ár:

7 500 Ft

BLOOM's VIEW Wedding No. 9 idegen

BLOOM's VIEW Wedding No. 9 - (2023)

BLOOM's GmbH Medien Marketing Events, 2023

BLOOM's VIEW Wedding No. 9 Die Hochzeitssaison 2023 ist da! Thematisch ausgerichtete Hochzeitsfeiern sind wieder mehr denn je gewünscht. ...

Online ár:

14 971 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 758 Ft

Cute, Cuter, Kawaii idegen

Cute, Cuter, Kawaii - 36 "Kawaii"-Kindermotive im gezählten Kreuzstich für Frottierware

Rico Design GmbH & Co.KG, 2021

Kawaii stammt aus dem Japanischen und bedeutet "süß, kindlich, niedlich". In westlichen Ländern steht die Kawaii Kultur inzwischen für ei...

Online ár:

2 587 Ft

Eredeti ár: 2 723 Ft

Trebbi, Jean-Charles: The Art of Origami Books idegen
Trebbi, Jean-Charles

The Art of Origami Books - Origami, Kirigami, Labyrinth, Tunnel and Mini Books by Artists from Around the World - 60+ Folding Sketches and Templates


Packed with illustrative examples by renowned international artists and paper folders, we are introduced to different folding and cutting...

Online ár:

15 063 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 855 Ft

Harding, Deborah - Howexpert: How To Knit idegen
Harding, Deborah - Howexpert

How To Knit - Your Step By Step Guide To Knitting

HowExpert, 2020

How to Knit is a comprehensive look at how to create different stitches and patterns using two knitting needles and some yarn. Finish a s...

Online ár:

14 529 Ft

Eredeti ár: 15 293 Ft

Gallagher, Mae: Pattern Fitting idegen
Gallagher, Mae

Pattern Fitting - Beginner + Intermediate Guide to Pattern Fitting and Alteration: Pattern Fitting and Alteration Compendium: How to Create Clothes That Fit and Flatter Your Unique Shape

CraftMills Publishing LLC, 2020

A powerful way to make clothes fit any size and shape Have you recently noticed that your favorite sweater or dress has started to show s...

Online ár:

12 399 Ft

Eredeti ár: 13 051 Ft

Fassett, Kaffe: Kaffe Fassett's Timeless Themes idegen
Fassett, Kaffe

Kaffe Fassett's Timeless Themes - 23 New Quilts Inspired by Classic Patterns

Abrams & Chronicle Books, 2023

Kaffe is known for legendary designs and fantastic quilts. And now he's back with new images, new patterns, and a new look at his most st...

Online ár:

16 227 Ft

Eredeti ár: 17 081 Ft

Stone, Francesca: Festive idegen
Stone, Francesca

Festive - Simple recipes, crafts and traditions for the perfect Christmas

Random House UK Ltd, 2023

Make Christmas magic In this book, you'll find easy, accessible ways to embrace your festive spirit and create lasting memories with the ...

Online ár:

7 322 Ft

Eredeti ár: 7 707 Ft

Frank, Janis: Crocheted Sun Hat and Bucket Hat idegen
Frank, Janis

Crocheted Sun Hat and Bucket Hat - 3 in 1 Crochet Pattern

Janis Frank, 2023

Gussy it up or wear it plain, this crocheted hat pattern is extremely versatile, letting you make hats to suit nearly everyone. Using eit...

Online ár:

5 128 Ft

Eredeti ár: 5 397 Ft


Online ár:

4 297 Ft

Eredeti ár: 4 523 Ft

Nubani, Sofie: Optimize Your Creative Mindset idegen
Nubani, Sofie

Optimize Your Creative Mindset

Bob Choat Publishing, 2020

Isn't It Time to Rediscover Your Innate Creativity? Wouldn't You Like to Transform into the Innovator That Your Business Needs? Being a c...

Online ár:

10 719 Ft

Eredeti ár: 11 283 Ft

Picken, Mary Brooks: The Mary Brooks Picken Method of Modern Dressmaking idegen
Picken, Mary Brooks

The Mary Brooks Picken Method of Modern Dressmaking

Garnsey Press, 2010

"The Mary Brooks Picken Method Of Modern Dressmaking" is a complete guide to tailoring, originally written with the amateur in mind. With...

Online ár:

15 566 Ft

Eredeti ár: 16 385 Ft

Christie, Archibald: Embroidery and Tapestry Weaving - A Practical Text-Book of Design and Workmanship idegen
Christie, Archibald

Embroidery and Tapestry Weaving - A Practical Text-Book of Design and Workmanship

Pomona Press, 2006

Originally published in 1906 as part of the Artistic Crafts Series of Technical Handbooks. Contains many period photographs and illustrat...

Online ár:

16 669 Ft

Eredeti ár: 17 546 Ft

Jungmann, Annette: Nature matters idegen
Jungmann, Annette

Nature matters - The legendary embroidery book series for counted cross stitch

Rico Design GmbH & Co.KG, 2020

Unser Stickbuch Nr. 170 NATURE MATTERS ist eine Hommage an die Natur. Wir zeigen 16 moderne Kreuzstich-Modelle in natürlichen Farben. Gan...

Online ár:

3 014 Ft

Eredeti ár: 3 172 Ft


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